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Twenty Keys

Assessing the abilities needed to succeed in project management

Project management is very young in comparison with other professions, with roles requiring an extensive range of skills. The field is also complex and continues to evolve. We offer here a fresh approach, known as 'Twenty Keys', providing a useful way to understand a project management role and the abilities needed of people who can be expected to succeed. Twenty Keys has been developed to improve the success and reliability of project management recruitment and a framework to use when setting the career direction of project management professionals.

Project management roles are notoriously eclectic; drawing as they do from a wealth of other disciplines and manifesting themselves in different ways in different organisations. Working from the idea of the 'Universal Project Manager', we have distilled what we can of this hybrid occupation.

We recognise that the reliability of appointments depends on a comprehensive understanding of

  • The key project management competences
    - their competence to manage.
  • The relevant project management experience of a candidate.
    - their professional experience

The tools and techniques used by PMSelect for specifying a requirement, assessing candidates and for coaching are derived from the Twenty Keys model.

The Twenty Keys Model

The Recruitment Requirement
Planning a Recruitment Assignment
A DIY guide to Search
Career Planning
The Universal Project Manager
Twenty Keys
Customer Stories
Assessment Centres
The Assessment Model
Self Assessment




Career Planning